# How to trade GEEK

# 1inch

  • go to 1inch.exchange (opens new window)
  • click on the ‘Connect wallet’ button in the upper right corner
  • read and accept Terms of Service, Legal Disclosure and Privacy Policy.
  • choose your waller (e.g. Metamask) in the popup window
  • hit the ‘Connect’ button.

Once the wallet has been connected, your Ethereum address will be displayed on the top of the page. By clicking on it, you can always check your transaction history, copy the address or disconnect the wallet.

Choose the coin you have and the coin you want to get in the dropdown windows: When the new list is not included in the default list, you often enter the GEEK Contract address: 0x4Bc5FC812D508940d8914507267E0dfc7271A1AA

Click Pin icon for easy swap next time.

To continue you need to allow 1inch smart contracts to use your USDT or GEEK. This has to be done only once for each token.

Do the swap and enjoy the best rates and shortest possible response time!

In addition, 1inch support Limit Order. You can order buy or sell at any rate you want.


  1. Access the DODO Exchange via https://app.dodoex.io/exchange/USDT-GEEK?network=bsc-mainnet (opens new window)

  2. Click on the Connect Wallet and select the supported wallet of your choice

  3. Select a trading pair you wish to trade (e.g. GEEK-USDT)

When the new DODO list is not included in the default list, you often enter the GEEK Contract address: 0x4Bc5FC812D508940d8914507267E0dfc7271A1AA

  1. Enter the amount of USDT you wish to pay to receive GEEK

  1. Press the “Confirm Order” button; if this is your first GEEK transaction with DODO, you will be asked to approve your GEEK to be spent when placing trades on DODO

  2. Click the "Approve Spend" button once confirmed and then Place Order

  3. Your order will then start processing; Click "View Transaction" if you wish to see your transaction status on the BSC blockchain.

  4. Once your transaction is processed, you will see "Transaction Successful"!

  5. Congratulations, you have made a successful purchase!

# PancakeSwap

  1. Access the PancakeSwap (opens new window)

  2. Click on the Connect Wallet and select the supported wallet of your choice

  3. Select a trading pair you wish to trade (e.g. GEEK-USDT)

When the new PancakeSwap list is not included in the default list, you often enter the GEEK Contract address: 0x4Bc5FC812D508940d8914507267E0dfc7271A1AA

Continue, same steps as 1inch and DODO